our clients

At InnoAgile, we measure our success in absolute proportion with our customer successes. We create those niche experiences which transform a typical “professional” relation to one which resonates “Trust”, “Loyalty”, “Mutual Respect” and “Sustained Customer Satisfaction”. Our primary aim is to ensure that any customer which is associated with us irrespective of the scale of business on offer, gets the same level of service across the board : Top talent --- Top results

Just an example on how “Agile” we are in our daily operation

At InnoAgile, we have a “Toll Gate” approach catering to our stages of resource augmentation and fulfillment. We call it a “5G Model”:

  • Generate List of Suitable Candidates
  • Gauge the skillset fit with at least 80% of requirements match to move onto next step
  • Give the chance to candidates for explaining their core value proposition
  • Get into internal discussion mode to generate 360 feedback between Recruiter/Account Manager and Practice Directors and shortlist candidates for client interviews.
  • Greet and meet with the client to propose and present final list and schedule interviews.

Knowledge to enrich experience
